Thursday 3 September 2020

The 12 Most Flavorful Coffee Brands Money Can Buy

The 10 Best Coffee Beans In The World (Whole Bean Coffeets

Where Do You Buy The Best Coffee Beans?

The best coffee comes from people who care about coffee. And stop for a moment and ask yourself: who cares about coffee MORE than you do?

The FIRST answer is local roasters. When you buy coffee directly from a (good) local roaster; you’re buying a high-quality, fresh roasted product from someone who cares. Your first step in buying great coffee is to start exploring any roasters nearby and trying their coffee.

Using a ‘coffee of the month’ club is a great way to sample some of the nations best local roasters, without having to do hours of research right now, but if you’re wanting to sample some of the best North American Roasters (without leaving your kitchen) we’d recommend checking out .And here comes the biggest mistake when choosing coffee online. There are a few places that you should definitely not buy coffee from. Avoid the temptation to buy from:

  • The Grocery store (often sell low-quality beans with a long shelf life…the exception here is Whole Foods and other artisan stores)
  • Amazon – Yes, thats right. It’s a question of freshness. It is often roasted ahead of time so it could be packaged, shipped and stocked in the warehouse. Just do your research.

Even if the Amazon listing says “Fresh Roasted,” it might be 6 months old, as that is fresh in comparison with many of the other store-bought beans. Yikes!Ok so you know where to buy great coffee; now its time to learn how to choose between the options. Earlier, I mentioned that there were thousand of options online when trying to choose the best coffee beans.

By asking yourself one of these three simple questions (and answering them), it will become obvious as to which beans you should choose, and your decision will be much easier.

What Type Of Coffee Maker/Brewer Are You Using?

This is a simple, yet overlooked fact about choosing coffee beans. Which coffee brewing method are you going to use? This will greatly influence which means you can choose.

You should get familiar with your coffee brewing style of choice, and learn which beans are the best match. Here are some places to start:

  • Brewing with a french press? Look for something medium to dark roast for a full bodied brew. We have a list of the best coffee beans for french press here.
  • Whipping up some cold brew coffee? light roasted, higher-acidity beans single origin beans are gold class here. Here’s a great article about the best coffee for cold brew.
  • If you’re brewing with an espresso machine, you need to be extra careful in the beans you choose. Some will taste great, others will taste terrible! Here are the best espresso beans.
  • Pour over coffee lover? Since you won’t be adding milk, look for a nice, exotic single origin bean with flavor notes that excite you. This list of the best pour over coffee beans is a great place to start.
  • Are you an Aeropress fan? Here’s our list of the best coffee for Aeropress.
  • Love the convenience of K-cup coffee makers? Here’s where we listed the best tasting K cup flavors.

There are thousands of choices when it comes to choosing good coffee beans. But if you make the wrong choice your coffee is doomed and your money wasted!

In this guide I’ll show you the 3 simple questions that you should ask yourself when choosing coffee beans. It will make choosing the perfect coffee beans easy, and your coffee will taste so much better. I’ll also reveal the common ‘choosing beans’ mistake that most coffee lovers make when ordering online. I made this mistake for years.

Finally, I’ve put together a list of some of best coffee beans as rated by coffee experts and connoisseurs. Read on with us as we travel the globe and answer the question: what are the best coffee beans for you?

Tuesday 12 May 2020

Bathing your baby A helping hand for baby’s first sponge and tub bath

bathing your kids
Whether you’re sponge bathing or using a baby bath or a bowl to bathe your baby, bath time is important for the health and hygiene of your little one. It’s also a lot of fun.
Ready for bath time?
Babies take to bathing like rubber ducks to water. Get into a routine. Make the room a cosy temperature because babies lose heat from their bodies quickly and make sure have everything you need on hand.
Sponge bathing your baby
You’ll likely want to ‘sponge’ bathe your baby until the umbilical cord stump has healed. This usually takes one week to 10 days, but the umbilical cord stump may remain attached for up to eight weeks.
Body wash your baby by wrapping them in a towel to keep them warm and uncover an area at a time to sponge clean. Use a mild baby wash that is gentle on the skin and eyes.
  • Wipe your baby’s entire face, paying attention to creases behind the ears and neck.
  • Gently wipe eyes from the inside corner out, using a fresh piece of cotton wool for each eye.
  • Carefully wipe just inside each nostril using a moistened cotton wool bud.
  • Clean the genital area wiping from front to back to prevent bacteria spreading from the baby’s bottom.
Umbilical Cord Care
Pay special attention to your baby’s umbilical cord. Until it heals and drops off, keep it clean with soap and water, pat dry, then fold your baby’s nappy under the cord to help with drying.
Moving on to tub bathing or bucket bathing
You can tub or bucket bathe when your baby is about 2-8 weeks old. You need to keep a few things in mind.
  • Fill up the bucket or the tub with just a couple of inches of water.
  • Test the water temperature with your elbow, so it’s not too hot or too cold.
  • Support your baby’s head, neck and shoulders with one hand until they can sit with a straight back.
  • When lowering your baby into the tub, take care to keep the head clear of the water.
  • Do not add any soaps or liquid cleaners to the bath-water.
  • Once done, pat your baby dry. Make sure to dry the hair, the creases and hard to reach places, like behind the ear.
  • After bathing disinfect the tub with Dettol Antiseptic Liquid to remove germs.
Bathing every couple of days is great for the health and hygiene of your baby and for lots of healthy laughter.
Please consult your doctor for your baby care. Tips provided here are of general nature related to routine hygiene only.


Like father, like son. Meet two Finnair pilots who take to the skies together on and off duty.

Finnair A330/320 Captain Martti Henriksson has been intrigued by flying ever since he was a little boy. He joined the Finnish Air Force in 1980 and served there until 1999. In 2000 he was hired by Finnair.
Martti was pleased when his eldest son, Iikka, started showing interest in aviation. After high school, Iikka did his national service and joined the reserve officers training corps.
“I was planning to become a fighter pilot, but I changed my mind and decided to pursue civil aviation instead,” says Iikka. In 2016, Iikka followed in his father’s footsteps by becoming a pilot at Finnair.

“My dad has definitely influenced my career choice, but I never felt like I was pressured into anything. I’ve always been fascinated by flying and aircraft technology.”


The Henrikssons have co-piloted three Finnair flights: they’ve flown to Copenhagen, Tenerife, and Milan together. But did it feel any different to share the cockpit with a family member? Both men say it was just like flying with any other colleague.
“Aviation is standardised and there isn’t much room for variation, so it’s the same experience with any co-pilot. But we may have chatted about slightly different topics in the cockpit than with our other colleagues!” says Iikka.

When they’re on duty, Martti and Iikka are piloting Finnair’s steady and safe passenger aircraft. Off duty, the Henrikssons love to fly upside down and do flips in the air. They have a shared passion for aerobatics, also known as stunt flying.
“Iikka is now better than me at aerobatics,” Martti laughs. “This year he won the Finnish Championship, while I came in second.”


Interestingly, there’s even more aviation pipeline in the Henriksson family.
Martti’s youngest son, Lasse, is currently serving in the maintenance squadron at the Air Force Academy. He has also joined his father and brother at aerobatics. You won’t be surprised to hear he is planning to become a civil aviation pilot.
“He’s fanatic about flying and says that it’s the only career option for him,” Martti tells.
The boys’ sister, Tytti, hasn’t shown an inclination for flying yet, but being high up in the air clearly runs in the family’s genes, as she loves parachuting.
“It would be pretty special to do my last flight with my both sons,” says Martti.
Fingers crossed we’ll see three Henrikssons in the same cockpit one day!

Friday 8 May 2020

A Guide to Buying Electronic Items

A Guide to Buying Electronic Items
Learn about a few ways to get the best price when you set out to buy that fancy new gadget.

You have finally decided to buy that fancy DVD player you had your eye on. However, you want to avoid the mistake of buying a product and then finding out that you could have gotten a better deal elsewhere. Here is how you can avoid this mistake.

Decide what you want to buy

Before you take the plunge and blindly make a purchase, it is always a good idea to do a little homework. Are you brand conscious or would you be happy with a locally made product? Are you interested in a product with a lot of extra features or would you be more comfortable with a gadget that is simple to operate?

Many people are tempted to buy products with a lot of added features. The question you should ask yourself though is, how often you will be making use of these features. For example, a DVD player that can also play radio stations might sound great, but does not make much sense if you already have a good music system that can be tuned to the radio.

Once you are clear about what you are looking for in your product, start comparing brand names, model features, and prices. Browse through individual company websites and check out their products. Alternately, there are websites where you can compare prices and product features side by side. This will give you a starting point to allow you to estimate what price you will have to pay when you make your purchase.

Choose where you want to buy from

Once you have decided which particular product you intend to purchase, the next step is deciding where to buy it from. For most products, you have three options. The first is to buy from a local store. In most cases, this is the preferred option since consumers feel that a local dealer is more trustworthy. You will also save on shipping costs since you can pick up your purchase in person. Some dealers also offer free home delivery or charge a small fee to deliver your purchases to your home.

If you are replacing a product with a newer model, there are many dealers who will give you a discount on your purchase in the form of an 'exchange offer'. This means that the dealer will give you a discount on the product you are buying from him in return for your old gadget. The chief downside of buying from a local dealer is that sometimes the product is priced slightly higher than if you bought it online. However, many dealers allow you to bargain, so you can settle on a price that is suitable for you.

The second option is to buy from an online retail store. This option is usually the cheapest one available since online retailers tend to offer their products at prices that are only slightly higher than the wholesale price. The catch here is that you have to pay for shipping and handling costs as well. In some cases, the shipping costs are so high that you ultimately end up paying the same price you would pay your local dealer.

Another option is to try an online auction site. If you are lucky, you can find some great bargains and save a lot of money on your purchase. This is the most risky option though. There are a number of dishonest online merchants who will accept your payment and then send you a substandard product. To avoid this, always check a seller's reputation before you commit to a transaction. An online auction is more like a lottery since a bid can change a number of times especially in the closing stages of an auction. If you plan to join in an auction, make sure you set yourself a price limit for your final bid. Otherwise, you may lose yourself in the excitement of bidding and pay more than you had intended.

Read the fine print

When you make a purchase, there are some points to keep track of. With online purchases, you will have to pay a charge for shipping and handling. Always find out the delivery charges before you make an online purchase. If the merchant is based in the city where you live, the delivery charges will be lesser than those charged by a merchant in another city. Also, some merchants will not refund you the delivery charges if you decide to return the product.

The other points you should check before making a purchase are the warranty period and the customer support options. This is where local dealers score higher since they usually give you a warranty of around one year. In addition, since they are located in the vicinity, their customer support is likely to be more prompt. Large online retailers will usually have their service centres in different cities. In the case of online auctions, there is usually no after sales service or warranty period. You agree to accept the product in an 'as is' condition.

Given the vast range of options to choose from, buying an electronic item need not be a harrowing experience. All you need is to do a little research to get a good deal.

Saturday 25 April 2020


Hello my little beauties! Hope you are doing well. Today’s blog post is about my experience while testing Philips MoistureProtect technologies; Hair Straightener + Philips MoistureProctect Auto-Curler + Philips Lumea Advanced IPLavailable at MediaMarkt. It’s a pretty exciting new beauty post because it is all about our hair; whether it’s our lovely locks of hair or our annoying other kind of hair, which we always struggle to make disappear…
For those of you who are impatient (head to the bottom of this post for the GIVEAWAY) and if you are interested in using my discount code, you can get:
20% OFF at MediaMarkt with discount code: cocorebe20
Important: This code is available only until June 2, 2019, both online and in stores, on all the Philips Beauty products at MediaMarkt, so there you go!
Now, it’s time for you to discover my review!

Philips MoistureProtect Auto-curler

Picture credits: Diana Kottmann / / Instagram @diana_kottmann
Last week, I got the chance to discover and test for you the Philips MoistureProtect Auto-curler, while attending Philips X Mediamarkt event in Dietlikon, Zürich. I had asked you if you were more into straight hair or curly hair… to which you at 66% answered: CURLY hairstyle. As many of you saw on Instagram, I have shared Instagram Stories with you to show you the “in the making – tutorial process” during the event and the least I can say, is that I fell in LOVE with this Philips auto-curler and apparently many of you girls loved the results too. Thanks for your sweet messages and feedback on my stories.

Is Philips MoistureProtect Auto-curler easy, efficient and secure?

It’s super easy to use and although I have a lot of hair and it’s really long (lion style as you know… hihi), the hairstylist managed to do my hair in only 5 minutes, while using the MoistureProtect Auto-curler! A true time record on my hair, trust me! What truly convinced me with the Philips MoistureProtect Auto-curler is obviously the stunning beach wave’s result we achieved in such a short period of time, as well as the fact that this auto-curler did not “hurt” my curls at all.Actually, I would even say the opposite, it is as it moisturized my hair, while getting stunning wavy hair. This to me, is a first, as I usually could feel my hair burning and feeling really dry after using any other basic hair curler. One of the reasons why I only occasionally styled my hair in the past. Pretty sad, knowing how much I love curls and the beach waves hair effect.

What is this MoistureProtect technology all about?

On top of that, the way this technology aspires your hair is really cool and it’s quick as it only lasts 8 to 12 seconds per impressively think strands of hair. Now, from a little bit more technical perspective, here are more statements I discovered and can confirm you, while testing the Philips MoistureProtect 
  • Glamorous curls twice as fast (Definitely also due to the fact you can do thick strands of hair! Which in my case is really great)
  • Strengthens the shine and preserves the natural moisture of your hair (Which truly works and made my hair wavy yet super soft and shiny!)
  • MoistureProtect Technology
  • Automatic beep when the loop is ready
  • Easy to use vertical handle
  • The ceramic heating body is enriched with keratin for more glide and protection during shaping.
  • Ionic care for shiny, smooth and frizz-free hair
  • Intelligent looping system for effortless styling
  • MoistureProtect technology controls and adjusts the temperature to preserve the natural moisture of your hair
  • It prevents your hair from overheating by maintaining an optimal temperature permanently, for beautiful hair protected in depth

How long will my curls last?

I am impressed with the fact that Philips MoistureProtect Auto-curler left me with glamorous yet quite natural curls that lasted for 3 days and could have lasted much longer. I am telling you 3 days here, because I washed my hair after the 3rd day).

Does Philips MoistureProtect Auto-curler also work on short hair?

I have the feeling that this technology is perfect for you if you have long hair but I am not sure it would be your perfect match on shorter hair (shoulder length or shorter), in regards to the very soft results I saw on girls with shorter hair. I would suggest you to go to your closest Mediamarkt and ask if you can test it first to see if this works well also on short hair.

– 20% on all Philips Beauty products at MediaMarkt

Talking about all this, I still have -20% discount for you on all the Philips Beauty products (both for ladies and gentlemen!) at MediaMarkt, both in shops and/or online.
This special discount code will only be available until June 2, so do not hesitate to treat yourself with it, while it’s still time.

Thursday 23 April 2020

Een gids voor Nederlandse supermarkten en supermarkten

Wennen aan het Nederlandse leven? Lees meer over boodschappen doen in Nederland met onze gids over Nederlandse supermarkten en supermarkten.
Het verkennen van nieuwe supermarkten is ongetwijfeld een van de onderschatte hoogtepunten van het leven als expat. Er zijn gangpaden en gangpaden met nieuw voedsel om te proeven, te kopen en verliefd op te worden terwijl je je aanpast aan je nieuwe leven. Het is veilig om te zeggen dat het absoluut een stuk minder vervelend is dan thuis.
Als u naar Nederland verhuist, zult u blij zijn te weten dat Nederlandse supermarkten u niet teleurstellen. Met veel verse producten, internationale gerechten en handige locaties zorgen Nederlandse supermarkten ervoor dat u en uw gezin terug blijven komen voor meer.
Om u te helpen meer uit uw boodschappen in Nederland te halen, vindt u hier onze gids met alles wat u moet weten over Nederlandse supermarkten en supermarkten. Dit omvat informatie over het volgende:

Boodschappen doen in Nederland

De lokale supermarkt is waarschijnlijk een van de eerste plaatsen die u bezoekt wanneer u voor het eerst naar Nederland verhuist. Als je die eerste keer door de deuren stapt, merk je al snel dat Nederlandse supermarkten misschien niet hetzelfde zijn als thuis. Maar laat dat je er niet van weerhouden om los te gaan in de gangpaden.

Houd je niet van winkelen in de supermarkt? Er zijn tal van andere opties voor uw boodschappen. Deze omvatten lokale markten voor verse etenswaren, online boodschappen die rechtstreeks aan uw deur worden bezorgd en speciaalzaken. Als je helemaal niet van koken houdt, vind je in alle grote Nederlandse steden een scala aan restaurants, cafés en snackbars.

Supermarkten in Nederland

Het eerste dat je waarschijnlijk opvalt aan Nederlandse supermarkten is hun grootte, zeker als je uit Noord-Amerika of Australië komt. Nederlandse supermarkten in de grote steden zijn vaak compact, maar het zal je snel verbazen hoeveel ze in hun schappen kunnen proppen.
Vanwege hun grootte kunt u mogelijk niet alles vinden wat u zoekt. Supermarkten hebben echter de neiging om hun assortiment te variëren, dus wat u niet kunt vinden in de ene supermarkt, vindt u misschien in een andere om de hoek. In grotere supermarkten in meer buitenwijken of buiten de stad zou je alles moeten kunnen vinden wat je nodig hebt.
Nederlandse supermarkten lijken misschien duurder dan je gewend bent, zeker voor producten als vers vlees en producten. De kwaliteit en versheid van het eten zijn echter over het algemeen goed en ze hebben meestal veel aanbiedingen in de winkel waar u van kunt profiteren om uw geld verder te brengen.

Nederlandse supermarktketens

De supermarkt. Ik vond het alleen maar eerlijk om hier te beginnen - dus wat doen ze goed? Ze hebben een zeer goede sectie met melk, yoghurt en room, goede keuze en kwaliteit. Conserven en conserven zijn prima, al kan het assortiment beperkt zijn. Dingen zoals suiker, meel en andere basisbakingrediënten zijn hier gemakkelijk te vinden. In sommige supermarkten die zich in een gebied bevinden waarvan bekend is dat groepen niet-Nederlanders er wonen, zult u zelfs merken dat ze een fatsoenlijke voedselafdeling hebben voor die groep. Je kunt pasta en rijst, noedels vinden, die zijn allemaal prima. Als het om de supermarkt gaat, is het de kunst om uw verwachtingen te beheren en te weten wat ze goed doen. Over het algemeen hebben Nederlandse supermarkten een kleiner assortiment en keuze dan supermarkten in andere landen.
Markten. Ik vertrouw veel op markten voor seizoensgroenten die goed smaken en waar voor uw geld bieden. Ik vind dat markten ook geweldig zijn voor vis. Op enkele uitzonderingen na van een paar visspecialisten ga ik voor al mijn vissen naar de markt. Ze hebben de neiging om meer variatie te hebben dan veel winkels, hebben veel kennis en zijn altijd erg behulpzaam.
Etnische winkels. Dit is een andere geweldige manier om te winkelen. Als je begrijpt wie er in jouw omgeving woont, zul je bijna altijd winkels vinden die inspelen op de buurtculturen. Ik zou niet kunnen leven zonder de geweldige Turkse winkels in Amsterdam waar ik specerijen, kruiden en allerlei geweldige smaakmakers koop. Dit geldt ook voor Chinese, Indonesische en Japanse winkels. Ook al ben je misschien niet bekend met die keuken of hoe je hem moet koken, het zal je misschien verbazen dat ze precies het ingrediënt / de ingrediënten hebben waarnaar je al die jaren op zoek was.
Kaaswinkels. Nederlanders zijn trots op hun kaas. Ga naar uw lokale leverancier en vraag of u wat Boerenkaas of boerenkaas kunt proeven. Dit is het echte werk. Als je eenmaal weet wat je koopt, is een goede tip om het op de markt te brengen, omdat het vaak veel goedkoper zal zijn. Als ex-eigenaar van een kaaswinkel weet ik dat de markten vaak precies dezelfde kaas verkopen als in de speciaalzaken. Het verschil is dat de marktkraamhouder 'opportunistisch' kan kopen. Hiermee bedoel ik dat ze kopen wat in bulk beschikbaar is om de kosten laag te houden. Dit is prima, maar het betekent dat u mogelijk niet elke week hetzelfde product op de markt kunt krijgen. Een goede gespecialiseerde kaaswinkel biedt consistentie en een groter assortiment.
Vlees. De enige aanbeveling die ik kan geven, is om je slager te leren kennen, een paar dingen uit te proberen met verschillende slagers en te kijken wat je het leukst vindt. Er is een enorm kwaliteitsverschil tussen slagers, dus wees niet bang om te vragen of je dingen kunt proeven.
Maak kennis met uw lokale winkeliers. Hoe meer ze je herkennen, hoe meer ze je zullen helpen vinden wat je zoekt. Vaak zijn ze zelfs bereid om producten voor je te bestellen.
Stop met zoeken naar dingen die gewoon niet beschikbaar zijn. Ik ben in de val gelopen van het zoeken naar typisch Britse producten. Het gevaar is dat ze er zijn, maar meestal van inferieure kwaliteit en tegen sterk opgeblazen prijzen. Werk met wat je hebt.
Maak kennis met de seizoenen en lokale specialiteiten. Toegegeven, dit is wat makkelijker als je wat Nederlands spreekt. Volg de lokale kranten, ze hebben vaak geweldige tips over restaurants en winkels, vaak zullen expatsites zoals Expatica ook relevante evenementen en nieuws over eten oppikken, dus dit kan helpen als je Nederlands niet goed is. Ook als u uw lokale winkeliers kent, zullen zij u hierbij helpen. Of, als je Nederlandse collega's hebt, vraag hen waar ze het beste kunnen vinden. Het is geweldig als je op deze manier een juweel vindt, zoals een oude familiefavoriet van hen.
Vraag de winkeliers bij jou in de buurt of de standhouders op de markt. Laat je niet afschrikken als je denkt dat je Nederlands niet goed genoeg of niet bestaat. Elke goede winkelier legt u graag hun producten uit. Als ze goed zijn, willen ze hun passie delen. Maak je geen zorgen over het proeven; dit maakt deel uit van de cultuur hier, probeer het voordat je het koopt! Onthoud gewoon dat u een klant bent en hen geld wilt geven - nietwaar? Je bent belangrijk voor ze.